Sunday, 30 May 2010

It won't go any further:

This is my first attempt at Janet's medallion quilt. This was made two years ago. The fabrics where purchased using the very generous voucher I received for my 40th birthday from the Liverbirds. I have attempted several times since to complete this top but to no avail. I just stare and stare at it and though I will myself to get stuck in, I can not seem to go any further. I took it out a few days ago (after another whoops with my court house steps, don't ask)in the hope of finishing it but it was not mean't to be. I realised this was as far as it was ever going to go, so I folded it up and put it away. At this point I felt a bit guilty for not having a completed medallion quilt, after all the effort Janet had gone to designing the quilt. I raided my stash, picking a new colour scheme and I have been working very hard on my second medallion quilt. I only have one more bored to make and my top will be completed.

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