Monday, 13 February 2012

Girls and things.....

Me and Paige at the Liverpool Fashion Festival.

Paige and Natalie at Liverpool Fashion Festival.

Lily and Isabella.
It has been a busy weekend and I can just see the rest of the week being extremely busy as well. Firstly, my lovely daughter went to Liverpool Fashion Festival at Aintree race course on Saturday evening and won £50 worth of vouchers when she entered a competition for best dressed at the show. Secondly she was offered the chance to be in the show on the Sunday night and she jumped at it. So naturally Natalie, Paige and I all bought tickets and off we went to see Michaela strut her stuff down the cat walk. She was on twice. She wore a lovely chiffon leopard print maxi dress and floppy hat for the designer Huxton and a little summer print frock with a white feather fascinater for John Lewis. I tried to take photos as she walked the cat walk but they where just blurred messes. Just before the weekend my friend Sarah gave birth to a little girl Isabella so I made her a rabbit. My nephews and his partner have just had their little girl this evening and named her Lily. Rabbit number two and now its a big mad dash to complete the shawl I was going to make as a gift. however, it is still in the balls of wool stage because  Lily is four weeks early. Today I had Michaela, Paige and Cole for lunch and I made a lemon drizzle cake with lots of mess sorry, I mean help from Cole. Then we made more mess whoops there I go again I mean baked 18 cup cakes for M to take to a girlie night. All joking a side I wouldnt have it any other way.

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