Thursday, 17 May 2012

It just needs a label...

I am very stressed at the moment  as the final project on the Art and Design foundation course comes to an end. I decided I needed a tiny bit of time out and take a day off from college work.  This is what I did on Monday, I decided to indulged myself and final finished my Age of Aquarius. I am so pleased with it all that left to do is pop a label on it and fill in the application form for Harrogate. Wish me luck x


Kath said...

you don't need luck Susan, that is stunning! You are a very talented girl.

Joan Mc said...

How kind of you to make an Aquarios quilt as it's my birth sign, When is the next raffle?? Only partially kidding. I'm looking forward to seeing it at Harrogate. I'm glad you enjoyed the Southport quilt show. I was told we had over 600 visitors on the Friday! See you soon. Luv Joan Mc

Susan said...

Thanks Kath I knew there was a reason I liked you hahah xx

Hi Joan oh I had a lovely morning it goes over to quickly. See you soon hun xx

Gwen said...

It's gorgeous Susan! You are so clever, get that form filled in quick and send it off to Harrogate, I don't know if I'm going yet, but if I do I think I will see a rosette on it! good luck! x

Susan said...

thanks Gwen Janet is bringing me a form on wed can't seem to find mine. see you soon xx