Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Its all about colour..

The new brief for creative thinking is all about colour. I had to pick an image with colours that I like as I am going to be working with the colour pallet I chose for the next four weeks. Last night I tipped out the concertina file where I keep lots of images I have collected from various sources since starting Uni in September. I was spoilt for choice in picking my image, the hard part was the next step in the brief. Once you have chosen an image find other images that are the same colour scheme or tonal range and make a mood board. This was tough because I did not have enough images to chose from. Every time I picked an image I would always fall short by about three or four other images in the colour scheme. I decided I had to turn to my collection of quilt magazines until I can pick up the much needed other magazines from my wonderful friend Janet. Hours later and I think I have manged to  create two completed mood boards in my chosen colours. Hooray! I am delighted to say the least.  Oh and one has a beautiful image of a lovely duck egg blues and pale greys quilt.


Lin said...

Sometimes I miss doing these sort of exercises - they do really make you look. I keep trying to put aside some time for things like this but somehow time just disappears. Enjoy.

Susan said...

Oh Lin you are not wrong about time just disappearing before I new if I had been kneeling in the middle of all these images (notice the centre gap in my pic)for two hours my legs where dead with pins and needles. :)

FleurBleue said...

You must be loving this time at much stimulation and inspiration.

It'll be pushing you in directions you hadn't thought of before too, have fun.

Susan said...

Hi Fiona it certainly is its also constantly taking me out of my comfort zone which is really challenging. :)