The Royal British Legion, Liverpool. |
Mono printing class in full swing. |
The Greatest Show on Earth. |
New teapot. |
Honestly, where are the weeks going never mind the days?
A few weeks ago my gorgeous friend Michelle sent me an email with the details of an upcoming event at the Royal British Legion, organised by Up For Arts Liverpool which, is run by BBC radio Merseyside. This particular event was mono printing with the lovely Becky and I was delighted that I was able to attend. Mono printing is one of my favourite techniques. We made collages by cutting images out of magazines and then mono printing them on to whote sheets of paper. My collage consisted two hydrangea's which I placed in a jug, I then added a butterfly just about to land on one of the flowers. It was a great creative day with lovely company, which I really enjoyed. I had big plans for my mono print, I was going to turn it into a textile piece of art over the next few days. After the class I met a new friend (Ildiko) for coffee and a chat, then I did some shopping and got the bus home. It wasn't until I got home that I realised I did not have the plastic wallet that held my collage and mono print. So sadly I can not show you what I did on the day or the amazing piece of textile art it was going to turn into.
Last week I was able to sew together my latest quilt "The Greatest Show on Earth". I just need more red fabric for the binding. I have given you a sneak peak as this will soon be available as a pattern on my website. www.sewsusantextileartist.co.uk
Last but not least I received a lovely unexpected gift from my sisters Mother-in-law, Eileen on Sunday. Eileen bought me this gorgeous rabbit teapot as a thank you for inviting her to Sunday lunch. However, I don't think this guy will ever hold a drop of tea, he is far to pretty so, he has found a home on the shelf in my sewing room. Talking of tea I think its time for a cuppa, bye for now X:)