Friday, 29 June 2012


No pic today sorry....I just wanted to let you all know that I got a Merit in my foundation course which is what I needed to go to Uni. So I will be attending UCLAN in September i'm really excited and to top it all I also won the travel schoolarship so I will be off to Bath for an amazing four day trip during the six week hols. :)


Joan Mc said...

Clever you, many congratulations!! I hope you enjoy Bath,I went a few times to the Costume Museum when I was doing City and Guilds, really enjoyed as there is so much to see.I hope you are going to celebrate. Joan Mc

Susan said...

Hi Joan thank you x I am just going to enjoy the six weeks hols. I am really looking forward to the trip to bath prob be in a few weeks I will post lots of pics xx

Gwen said...

WELL DONE! We never doubted that you would get a merit, you worked really hard and deserve it, and the holiday as well! congratulations! xx

Susan said...

Thanks Gwen I have to go back one day next week to pick up the cheque. xx

Kath said...

well done you! although I am not surprised. Didn't I say to you some 4 years back that you were wasted?
You must be so excited.

Susan said...

Hi Kath thank you kind ladie for all your faith in me :) Really excited about Uni xx