Tuesday, 14 December 2010

lLittle man is growing:

Cole is growing up so fast and he brings such love and joy to my life. He loves to dance and everytime he hears music he dances to his herats content, with a few clap hands thrown in. It is so heart warming to watch him and I am truly blessed.


Kath said...

Goodness isn't he growing up? He must be such a delight, I can't wait to be a granny :-D

Kath said...

hello Lovely, I got your email. I sent my snail mail addy by return.
Nice to hear from you XX

jan said...

OMG they grow so quickly don't they. It is scary really, make th most of him my friend. The time will come when he wont want all those kisses and cuddles....from you anyway!!!!!!! hahahahaha
He is a real cutie

Susan said...

Thanks Ladies he is a sweetie isn't he lol xx

Leanne said...

He is so cute,