Saturday, 25 August 2012

Hand dyed fabric, Imagination and Create.....

You may remember the fabric I dyed not so long ago following a tutorial by Laura Kemshall, well it has sat in a drawer ever since just waiting to be used. The trouble was, what was I going to use it for? Over the last few days I have been in penguin mode in and out of my sewing room wanting to create something but lacking imagination. Then to day I pulled out my hand dyed fabric and opened each piece and study them for a few minutes. Then I began to visualize and image on one of the pieces of fabric. It reminded me of a kind of opening in a forest. I knew I had an image that would be perfect and so my creation began. First I sketched the design on to A3 paper as the image I have is very small, then I started to choice the fabrics that I was going to us to appliqué my image on to my hand dyed background.


Lin said...

Your fabrics look gorgeous Susan and I love the shapes of the birds

Susan said...

ThanK you Lin :)