Wednesday, 8 August 2012


Bath Abbey

The Circus

The Royal Crescent

The water of life
I have just been on an amazing trip to the beautiful city of Bath. Some of you may or may not know that I won a travel Scholarship at the end of my foundation course and I chose to go to Bath for a few days.  I took my niece Paige with me and we had a great time.  There is so much to see and do and we covered quite a lot during our four day stay.  I took lots of photos and today I thought I would share just a few of them.


Kath said...

Glad you enjoyed Bath, it really takes you back in history do you think.
Bath isn't far from here. What you would love if you could ever get there, is the American museum, with all the quilts.

Lin said...

Lovely pictures Susan. I love Bath but don't get there very often these days. I'm glad you enjoyed it there.

Caz said...

Bath is lovely,,, glad you enjoyed your visit!!

Susan said...

thanks ladies.
Hi Kath I did go to the American Musuem loved the quilts. xx