Today's collection is my pencil collection. I have a 100+. I am not 100% sure but I think this collection began when we went on our very first holiday abroad in 2001 to Spain. Whilst there we visited PortAventura (Universal Studios) and I bought a pencil with their mascot, the famous Woody Wood Pecker. Back home I decided not to use said pencil and placed it in a jar, it became a keepsake and every time I looked at it I was reminded of our fantasic holiday. This became my thing, to buy a pencil every time I visited somewhere. It enables me to have a little record of the place Iv'e visited and best of all it doesn't cost much. All the pencils are from places I have physically been to and bought on the spot. You would not believe how disapointed I am when I visit a place and the do not have a pencil with there brand or name on it. In the early days, of this collection, Michaela went to Jamaica and brought me a pencil back with a little raster mans head on it. She was confused when I put it in the jar of pencils I use everyday, until I explained I didn't collect pencils for pencils sake, I collected them as a keepsake of places I've been. However, it was lovely that she really thought of me when she was buying it.
I would also like to share one more thing to today its not a collection but it is pencil related and it is one of my most treasured possession.
It is my Flash pencil top, he is so cool, he swings around the pencil. I have had him a long, long time. One day my dad just randomly said, "I've got something for you" and put it in my hand. It was in a plastic wrapper but I could see it was a little kids toy of some kind but I didn't know what it was until I took it out the wrapper. He told me he got it in a his box of cereal, it brought back memorys from my childhood when it was a regular thing to get little gifts and toys in cereals. I can remember a few squables over these as we where not allowed to open the packet and rumage for the gift, sometimes it would not be on the top and we would have to wait a couple of days for said item to fall out. I thought he was giving it to me for one of the children but he said no it was for me. It was such a random thing and he never said why it was specifically for me. Flash has lived ontop of a pencil in the jar of pencils I have on my desk which I use everyday. I can't help but twirl him if I use the pencil he is on and watch Flash fly round and round. I will never tire of him, even my grandson Cole takes him out of the jar, spins him before he draws a picture. He always puts him back and has never asked if he can take him home I think he knows he belongs here with me for the moment.